Qualia Proficiency Assessment – Opening – Level 1

Welcome to your Qualia Proficiency Assessment - Opening - Level 1


Escrow Officer

How many minutes did the assessment take for the user to complete?

Escrow Number

9. In the Documents Folder - Look for Seller Opening Trust Package in Docs folder

11. Check the Processing Milestone for the Task Order Demand for Lis Pendens 

Due date is the date the assessment was taken
Task should be assigned to the person who took the assessment 

8. Check Section B for a Courtesy Credit to the Seller

The amount should be set to $-285.50 to the Seller.

Make sure the Aggregate Name and Label are set properly
The Name should be set to Escrow Fee
The Label should be set to Settlement Fee

4. Check the Other Contacts

Please make sure Walmart NHD has been changed to Pango NHD
There should not be 2 NHD companies on this file

2. Check the Buyer’s Screen

Make sure that Miss Piggy has been added as the spouse of Kermit the Frog

5. Check Section H in Charges for the following for the Pango NHD Payee

A $75.00 charge to Seller 

Add invoice/reference number of
#57489 to payee card 

3. Check the vesting of Kermit and Miss Piggy.  

The vesting should read: Kermit The Frog and Miss Piggy, husband and wife, as community property

1. Check the Seller's Screen

Jack Jones and Jill Jones should be added as Trustees

Check the SSN's for each of them
Jack – 555-55-1234
Jill – 222-22-1234

Make sure the Addeess is set to: P.O Box 777  Glendale, CA 91201 

6. Check to make sure the following fees were entered properly.

Buyer’s EMD $25,000.00
Listing Agent and Selling Agent Commissions 3% each side
Owner’s Title Policy $2,200.00
Lender’s Title Policy $750.00
Sub escrow $125.00 split between Buyer and Seller50/50 
Recording Service Fee $20.00
Endorsement estimate $150.00
Recording Fees: Deed $55.00 / Trust Deed $175.00

7. Check to Section E - Taxes & Fees

Make sure Los Angeles is set as the Tax Authority

12. Open the Documents Folder, 

There should be a Signed Purchase Agreement in the (1) Escrow Instructions folder.
Please make sure everything is in the right order
Please make sure all extra files have been deleted
Confirm that the user did not use Adobe  (The Purchase Agreement should not show this icon)

13. Check in the (1) Escrow Instructions folder for Page 10.   

Confirm that the user did not use Adobe  (The Purchase Agreement should not show this icon)

10. Check the Accounting screen to make sure the EMD was properly reciepted in.

Look in the Closing Package Folder for a Copy of the Receipt with the proper watermark.

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